Monday 11 July 2011

Resources - Philippians

I often get asked about books and commentaries on the New Testament, as that's my focus. So here's a selection of commentaries on Philippians that I believe actually helps people to understand and thus implement Paul's letter to the Philippians.

M. Bockmuehl, The Epistle to the Philippians. BNTC Peabody: Hendrickson, 1998.

This is not a technical commentary, but it is attentive to historical details that illuminate the world in which this letter was written. This is my first "go to" commentary on Philippians as Bockmuehl is a fantastic scholar who writes clearly and carefully. There are many superb insights and interpretations that naturally lead to thoughts of significance and application.

G. D. Fee, Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. NICNT Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995.
Regarded as a hero amongst both Pentecostals and Evangelicals alike, this is a trustworthy commentary with careful attention to the details of Philippians and its message to Christians. Fee is brilliant on Philippians and although a bit detailed for many busy people, it more than repays the time devoted to it.

S. E. Fowl, Philippians. THNTC Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.

This commentary attempts to bridge the divide between systematic theology and biblical studies. It's a theological commentary, which focusses on key ideas and themes running through Philippians. This is probably my favourite commentary on Philippians. Fowl helpfully relies on Bockmuehl, Fee, and the other more technical commentaries but also thinks through the theological and practical implications of the message of Philippians for contemporary Western Christians.

These are not the technical commentaries, but these are one's that I have found helpful in grappling with Paul's message in this letter, and thinking through how to be a more faithful disciple of Jesus in community. They are excellent commentaries for preaching and teaching, and may even work in group setting where people read sections and then gather to discuss the sections read.

I hope this helpful... If you have any requests for comments and resources on other writings in the New Testament, let me know. If you have any further recommendations on Philippians, drop me a comment with a suggestion.

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